Bowe - 1791 from the Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture.
B O W E, Devonshire
Is 188 miles from London, and a little to the west of Credition [sic]; has a market on Thursday, and a fair in Whitsun week, and another Nov. 22. The court of the Duchy of Lancaster is commonly kept here.
A cross-post from Crediton to Hatherleigh passes through every Saturday, Monday, and Thursday. It is a poor place, having nothing of note either in the town or neighbourhood. The following are the principal inhabitants:
Coles, Carpenter
Easterbrook, Butcher
Easterbrook, Fountain Inn
Greenslade, Taylor
Greenslade, Taylor
Hatherleigh, Blacksmith
Herd, Baker
James, Blacksmith
Jarman, Shopkeeper
Norley, Baker
Packer, Tanner
Pidler Mrs. Shopkeeper
Rowden, Blacksmith
Rowden, Butcher
Scott, Shoemaker
Snell, Shopkeeper
Sweet, Chandler
Sweet, Serge-maker
Toser, Blacksmith
Toser, Jun. Blacksmith
Tucker, King’s Arms Inn
Watts, Victualler, (Red Cow)
Western, Shoemaker
Western, Carpenter
Willicott, Shoemaker
Wrevit, Chandler
by Peter Selley