Thomas Lampin, born in Crediton, hanged in Nottingham in 1809
Thomas Lampin was baptised in Crediton in 1776. He was the son of Nicholas and Sarah Lampin, although the family surname was variously recorded as Lampayne, Lamping etc.
He moved to Gainsborough in Lincolnshire and then to Newark, Nottinghamshire where he set up business as a flax-dresser.
In Newark in 1804 he married 36 year old Mary Rastall (from Lincolnshire)
He went into partnership with Richard Fisher and William Fillingham, but ran into financial difficulties. The partnership was dissolved in March 1807.
"On 24th March 1809 was committed to the county gaol of Nottingham, by R. Buck, Esq. Mayor of Newark, to take his trial at the ensuing assizes, Thos.Lampin, flax-dresser, charged with forging, indorsing, and accepting a draft, with intent to defraud Mr. Peter Selby, of that town."
Peter Selby was a respectable shoe maker. Ironically both Selby and Lampin were subscribers to the Nottinghamshire New Friendly Association for the Prosecution of Felons.
At Nottingham assizes, which concluded Saturday [22nd July], Thomas Lampin, was found guilty of forging a bill of exchange, purporting to be for 100l. at Newark, on the 28th of January last, with intent to defraud Peter Selby the elder, of Newark aforesaid, and was condemned death and left for execution.
Thos. Lampin, convicted at the late assizes of forging bill of exchange for 100/. with intent to defraud Peter Selby, of Newark, was executed at Nottingham on Wednesday [2nd August 1809] last, pursuant to his sentence. —He was truly penitent, and, being of the Calvinist persuasion, was attended to the gallows by the Rev. Mr. Bryan, of Zion chapel in Nottingham.—After the arrival of the procession at the fatal spot, Mr. Bryan delivered a pathetic and admonitory discourse to the surrounding multitude, from the following words: "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God eternal life." This discourse made a strong impression upon those present, and tended to increase the sympathy which was before universally felt. Mr. Bryan afterwards declared aloud, on the part the unhappy sufferer, that he acknowledged the justice of his sentence, that he forgave his prosecutor, and all the witnesses who had appeared against him and that he died in peace with all the world.—Lampin then ascended the platform with a firm step, and was immediately afterwards launched into eternity.—He was a native of Crediton, Devonshire, and had resided for a short time at Gainsborourgh, whence he removed to Newark, where he commenced the business as a flax-dresser, which he carried on with respectability for some time; but from unforeseen and unexpected casualties, and depression in trade, his circumstances became embarrassed, and with hopes of being able to retrieve them, he had recourse to the expedient which ultimately cost him his life —lt is not doubted that it was his intention to have met the bill which he had imprudently issued, but unfortunately for him, his resolves were anticipated by the detention and seizure of his effects, and detection followed. He was in his 35th year, and has left a wife and two children, who are involved in the greatest distress by his melancholy and untimely end. —A very liberal subscription, we understand, has been set on foot by Mr. Bryan and others, in aid of their misfortune.
His creditors were subsequently paid a dividend of 4s 6d in the pound.
His widow continued living in Newark, working as a straw bonnet maker, dying a pauper aged 82 in 1852. There are records of (probably) their two children – Thomas Lampin was born in about 1804 in Newark. He married Mary Terrell in Brighton in 1830. He too went bankrupt. His younger sister Mary Lampin, who was also a bonnet maker, died suddenly in Newark in 1829 aged 22.
by Peter Selley